- n.科德斯曼
- One should not over-hype the change, says Anthony Cordesman of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a think-tank.
战略与国际问题研究中心分析员安东尼科德斯曼认为不应过于夸大这个变化。 - Anthony Cordesman, a military expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, says the Bush administration was unprepared to deal with the invasion's aftermath.
最初主要由逊尼派穆斯林发动的暴乱活动不断增多,大量美国军人死于路边炸弹和其他袭击。伊拉克平民,特别是什叶派穆斯林,也成为袭击目标,很多人遭到杀害。 - "If we withdraw from Iraq, a lot of the tensions we see today are going to be directed against al-Qaeda as well as against every other faction," says Cordesman.
“如果我们撤离伊拉克,许多矛头将转而对准基地组织或其它派系,”Cordesman说。 - Cordesman, who does not favor an immediate withdrawal, notes that all the worry about al-Qaeda in Iraq ignores the much larger threat that bin Laden's ideas already pose to U.S. interests.