land cover change
- 覆盖变化
- 土地覆盖变化
- The changes in hydrology of the Suomo River resulting from climate fluctuation and land cover changes during1960- 1990 were analyzed.
分析了1960~1990年长江上游梭磨河流域气候和地表覆被变化及其对流域水文的影响。 - It is known that land-use and land-cover changes paly an essential role in environmental and ecological changes and furthermore contribute to global change.
在土地利用变化及相关研究中,地形图已成为重要的信息源。 - The built-up area expansion is the major driver of island land cover and land use changes. This study can provide a scientific reference for further development of island and coastal regions of China.
- 覆盖变化
The related index of land use/land cover change presented remarkable temporal-spatial difference.
土地利用/覆盖变化的相关指标值也存在明显的时空差异性。 - 覆被变化
Land use and land cover change (LUCC) driving force combined two categories: nature driving force and social driving force.
- 土地覆盖动态
- 土地覆盖变化