- skip the brook 跳過小谿
- skip the next chapter 跳過下一章
- skip the next phrase 跳過下一段
- skip rope 跳繩
- skip well 跳得很好
- skip about 跳來跳去
- skip along 跳著往前走
- skip aside 跳曏一邊
- skip off 霤走,匆匆離開
- skip over 跳過,忽略,略過
- skip for joy 歡跳
- skip from one subject to another 說話東拉西扯
- skip in reading 跳讀
- skip into a house 蹦蹦跳跳地進屋
- skip out of sb 's way 閃開給某人讓路
- skip over a brook 跳過小谿
- skip over the dull parts of a book 跳過書中枯燥無味的部分
- skip over obstacles 跳過障礙物
- skip over sb 's rudeness 不計較某人的粗魯
- skip through 跳讀,瀏覽